Overviews and Course Descriptions
Your employees are valuable resources and HIC will work with your team to help improve their quality of life and workplace efficiency. EAPs were initially created in response to employer’s concerns about the impact of employee alcohol and drug addiction on bottom-line productivity. EAPs are now designed to address and help solve a wider range of social, physical and psychological issues confronting the workforce today and are an increasingly valuable tool for organizations across the globe. In addition to serving those employees with substance abuse addiction, PTSD and other mental health issues, HIC also offers positive solutions for employees experiencing workplace violence and hostile work environments; coping with natural disasters and critical incidents; personal/family issues which increase absenteeism, negatively impact presenteeism and overall employee productivity and life satisfaction. “Employees from time-to-time have problems like all human beings and it is incumbent on good organizational policy to provide the resources that will aid employees in overcoming their adversities,” Dr. Leslie said. Having an EAP is important no matter what size the organization and costs vary for companies depending on its number of employees. Consistent positive outcomes greatly justify costs associated, according to Dr. Leslie and his EAP clients.
1. Work-related Stress: How to Identify and Remedy
Stress is caused by an imbalance between the perceived demands in life and the perceived resources and abilities of a person to cope with those demands. Work-related stress is a harmful physical and emotional response that occurs when the demands of a job do not match or exceed the capabilities, resources or needs of an employee.
Course Description: This session will explore the dynamics of stress in the workplace by class participants who will engage in active dialogue, interactive exercises, group assignments and personal assessments in order to identify and remedy a variety of sources and bring practical solutions to stress. Discussion and exercises will also address the multiple opportunities available to overcome negative consequences from heightened and long-term stress.
Maximum Enrollment: 24 participants. Class Time: 4 – 8 hours
2. Alcohol and Drugs At Work: What We Can Do Together…
Problems related to alcohol and drugs may arise as a consequence of personal, family, social, work situations – a combination of many and/or all of these aspects. These issues may not only injure the health and well-being of associated employees, but they may also cause work-related, health, legal problems and much more, including deteriorating job performance. While the elimination of substance abuse is a highly desirable goal, experience has shown the increasing difficulties in achieving this goal at the workplace level.
Course Description: This is a comprehensive course that will provide an understanding of the multiple variables that affect those suffering from addictive substances through open dialogue, group discussion and collective assignments that draw upon the vast experience of the adult learner.
Each class includes:
• Exploration of the effects of both drugs and alcohol on health, motivation, and the impact of these dynamics on each individual, their families, communities, workplaces and social environments.
• And an in-depth explanation/discussion of the effects of alcohol, drug abuse and addiction.Maximum Enrollment: 24 participants. Class Time: 16 – 24 hours
3. Violence At Work
Violence at work may often be a sustained factor in a workplace environment that has been long ignored, denied, or considered to be a harsh reality, but in recent times, workplace violence has been increasing in incidence and magnitude. Many of these incidents have received widespread media attention that has aided in more advanced first-responder protocols and broadened assistance and compassionate and dignified treatment for those who experience trauma or PTSD.
Both employers and employees have an interest in reducing or eliminating violence at work. For employers, violence may mean extra costs due to high absenteeism, higher insurance premiums and compensation payments. It can also lead to low morale and a poor image for the organization, making it difficult to recruit and keep staff. Ultimately it can reduce productivity and competitiveness.
HIC aids organizations to increase awareness to help prevent this serious safety and health hazard and the resulting high costs for victims, families and communities – and to enterprise job performance.
Course Description: This class explores the root causes of violent behavior. We will address the remedies and how can the organization work in ways that prevent or alleviate the possibility of critical workplace incidents. The teaching and learning methodologies include role-plays, group and individual assessment, multiple exercises and materials. The group draws on the vast reservoir of adult learning and experience to elucidate examples of workplace violence and provide remedies to alleviate incidences of unacceptable behavior in the workplace.
Maximum Enrollment: 24 participants. Class Time: 8 hours
4. Economic Stress
Numerous factors may lead to employees experiencing economic stress, either from being laid-off, being underemployed, or feeling that their job is insecure among so many more.
According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), these factors may be summarized into four categories: Economic Factors, Organizational Change Characteristics, Employee Characteristics, and Employment Characteristics.
Any one of these factors can cause employees to experience economic stress. Because any wage earner may become unemployed, underemployed, or experience job insecurity, the consequences of economic stress can affect all of us. Additionally, employees do not experience the effects of economic stress in isolation from other people – co-workers, family members, and communities may be affected.
Course Description: This class examines the multitude of factors that impact an employee’s well-being and quality of life in work environments undergoing economic uncertainty or disruption. Because job stress and economic stress are interrelated, **this class is suggested in addition to the stress class.
Participants will discuss the impact of economic stress on their lives through group discussion, interactive exercises, dialogic discovery and exploration of the psychological and physical effects of this stress. Dr. Leslie will draw upon the vast experience of adults in class to formulate cause/effect strategies to overcome the effects of economic stress on employees.
Maximum Enrollment: 24 participants. Class Time: 4 – 8 hours
Quality of Life / Wellness Programs
The following HIC On-Site Classes may be scheduled as class packages or individually. *Each 4 hour class has a maximum of 10 participants.
HIC On-Site Classes include interactive learning modules conducted in an environment that values human dignity, quality of life, and psychosocial wellness strategies that encourage the involvement of all class participants.
1). Nutrition and work
2). Physical activity for health
3). Healthy sleep
4). Therapeutic yoga *(each session scheduled for 2 hours)
All classes taught by HIC are overseen by Dr. James Leslie who is a certified *United Nations ILO (International Labor Organization) SOLVE Safe Work Program coordinator and instructor and he chooses to utilize an ecological model refined as described here:
The Ecological Model
The ecological model acknowledges that there are many factors which influence health outcomes, for example, whether and how much an individual smokes; or how they organize their diet, or how apparently similar stressful events lead to radically different consequences for different people. Human behavior is determined by a “reciprocal causation” between many areas of life; for example, what the individual does has an impact on the environment, but also the environment impacts the individual in a series of complex interactions.
Intrapersonal Factors – individual characteristics within the person which are modifiable, such as knowledge, attitudes, skills, or actions which may or may not correspond to social expectations.
Interpersonal Relationships – relationships with family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances, which can greatly influence how people behave with regards to the health. These relationships link the person with their family, their social environment, their work, and the community they live in.
Organizational Factors – organizations, such as work, professional or neighborhood groups, school, or religious groups may have positive or negative effects on health. They can act as a source of unhelpful role models and false information about health, but they can also function as resources that support health promotion and help individuals make healthy choices. For long-term changes in the behavior of individuals, the support of the workplace is essential.
Community Factors – these play a key role in defining and prioritizing health problems which need to be addressed, and in organizing the power and resources available to do so. This happens between more informal actors such as family and informal/social networks, as well as between formal organizations working in the area. It is vital that these community agencies coordinate their actions and build on each other’s strengths to achieve the most effective interventions for health.
Public Policy – meaning regulatory policies, procedures, and laws (whether at national, state or local levels) which help protect the health of communities.
Figure 1: The ecological model (Adaptation from McLeroy et al., 1988 and ILO/SOLVE texts.)