Counseling Request
To request a counseling session, please fill out this form and include your available dates and times.
Diana Young, LD/N, GC-C, ORDM
Since 2015, Diana has been a Certified Grief Counselor with The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. Also, for the past 30 years she is a licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist specializing in weight management, diabetes care, “The Mind Diet” and healthy eating.
Diana created the popular website OnlineGriefSupport.com in 2008 which expanded to more than 15,000 members. Currently, Diana facilitates a virtual grief support group meeting weekly. Previously, Diana worked for Cornerstone Hospice in Tavares, Florida providing nutritional care and grief support to patients and their families for over 15 years. Diana has worked in institutional health care settings such as hospitals and clinics providing Medical Nutrition Therapy.
Along with assisting clients through the grief journey, Diana provides important information on self-care, focusing on proper nutrition during the grieving process.
Since 2014, Diana has been an Ordained Minister. She is also a Peer Recovery Support Specialist assisting clients with grief and substance use issues.
Fees (Sliding Scale): .001 x annual income.
Example: $36,000 annual income per year = $36.00 per hour session (minimum of $25.00; maximum of $100.00). Clients will be invoiced via PayPal.